MEGAMAN® Sponsorship For the Realisation of the "Eco-House" Idea
MEGAMAN® Philippines sponsored the Green Architecture Movement (GAM) for the realisation of the "Eco-House" Idea.
Targeting to achieve a zero carbon standards (zero net emissions of carbon dioxide from all home energy use) for new homes within 10 years, ModernA, an organisation composed of budding architects and Green Architecture Movement (GAM), a green body in the Philippines have come up a project: LuzViMinda Eco-House Initiative, a mockup house which resembles an ideal "green house" fabricated entirely from eco-friendly materials.
The mockup house is on show at the Construction Show Manila 2008 which attracts architects, builders & contractors, construction professional, environmental planners and consultants, interior designers in the industry from 4-7 September 2008. Enthusiasts of the house can consult Green Architecture Movement (GAM), who has pledged to sell the house in whole.
MEGAMAN® Philippines sponsored a wide range of the Energy Saving Lamps, a truly eco-friendly product, for the realisation of the Eco-House initiative. The house aims to achieve a rating of five (six being the highest) for code compliance as set by the UK Code for Sustainable Homes. The UK code measures the sustainability of a home against key design categories: energy, water, materials, surface water run-off, waste, pollution, health and well-being, management and ecology.
Please refer to for further information.
A mock up of an "Eco-house" by GAM which resembles an ideal "green house" fabricated entirely from eco-friendly materials.
The sponsored MEGAMAN® lamps were used to shed light in various areas of the house, for both outdoor and indoor illumination.